About Abzed
Who we are

Abzed is a team of specialists in political and media relations based in Westminster. It was founded in 2013 by our MD, Ian Gregory. He started in politics at 18 when he spent a year working for Conservative Party headquarters. His principal duty was helping Margaret Thatcher’s preparations for Prime Minister’s Questions.

He then won an Open Scholarship to Oxford University where he read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Brasenose College. His career has seen him work in the US Congress and as a BBC TV news producer. He has attended G7, Davos and APEC summits. Ian regularly writes for national newspapers.

What we do
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Working with lawyers

In most of our client work there is a litigation track working in parallel with the political and media pressure applied by Abzed.

There have been several judicial reviews. Some of these have reached the Court of Appeal and the ECJ. Successful outcomes have included the action delaying legislation for long enough to allow political passions to move on.

We have also worked with lawyers across practice areas including reputation, IP, employment, wildlife and sanctions law.

In addition, there has been a range of regulatory matters including advertising and medical disciplinary.

Where we team with lawyers, the law or the facts are often insufficient to give litigation a good prospect of success. Our output is then used to affect the other side’s calculation regarding a negotiated settlement.
“War is a continuation of politics by other means.”
Carl von Clausewitz